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Voice notebook is a voice recognition application for converting speech to text (a good external microphone is strongly recommended). It can also convert an audio file to text. The current version works only for the Chrome browser in Windows, Mac and Linux OS (for Android and iOS users there are special Android, iOS applications).

Voice typing instructions

Press the Start recording button. Attention! The first time you press the Start recording button, you will need to confirm the action in your browser’s popup toolbar.
Speak into the microphone.
The A/a button changes the case of the first letter of the word, nearest to the cursor position.
The Undo button removes the last entered sentence from the output field.
The punctuation buttons allow you to insert punctuation into the text.
If Execute voice commands checkbox is checked, then you can use voice commands.
If the Replace punctuation checkbox is checked, then punctuation words will be replaced by the corresponding punctuation marks. You can look at the buttons help texts to see the corresponded words. NOTE: Google now automatically replaces the following words: "period" (or "full stop"), "comma", "question mark" and "exclamation mark". So the checkbox will not affect those words.
If the Transfer to clipboard checkbox is checked, then the spoken sentences will go directly to the system clipboard and not the output field. This checkbox is enabled if the voice notebook Chrome extension is installed.
To change speech recognition language, choose the appropriate one from the drop-down menu, or register and add the desired speech input language in the User account.

Transcribing audio files

The Transcription button shows or hides the audio recognition panel. Application can recognize speech embedded in HTML5 video and audio or in YouTube clips. Specify the URL of the HTML5 audio and video clip, or pick a file from your computer. For YouTube clips, specify the YouTube record ID. Then you can start transcription by pressing the Start recording button.

Speech to text for Websites, Windows, Mac and Linux OS

Installing the voice notebook Chrome extension allows you to use voice input for any text entry field on any web site. Installing Windows, Mac or Linux integration module allows you to use voice to input text in any application of these OS.

Video introduction

Speech to text - the first steps..

Chrome applications for easy start

You can use Chrome webstore application for easy start, and Chrome application shortcuts to start voice notebook with a predefined set of parameters.

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